It should be noted that Salit has six horns in total.

All of the Qunari seen in Dragon Age: Inquisition have one pair of horns, whereas all but one Qunari seen in the base Dragon Age II have two pairs of horns - one big and one small one the Arishok is the only one to date to have eight horns in total it is unknown what determines the number of horns or their size. The horn itself has no nerve endings and can be removed however, they can still become irritated, thus the Qunari have developed balm. They usually have skin of varying metallic colors ranging the spectrum of patina (such as iron, bronze, and silver), white hair, pointed ears, and vivid eyes with colors like violet, red, silver, or yellow. Qunari are generally taller and more physically robust than humans. Tal-Vashoth are much more present in non-Qunari lands, most commonly as elite mercenaries, such as the Kadan-Fe in Ferelden and the Valo-Kas in the Free Marches. During the Dragon Age, a fleet of Qunari ships sank in the Waking Sea between Ferelden and Free Marches, which resulted in Qunari presence in both of these lands. Members of the Qunari race are rarely seen outside of their lands with the exception of Rivain. Vashoth are considered "redeemable," while Tal-Vashoth are not. Most Tal-Vashoth are former soldiers and become mercenaries, and are considered by Qunari to be worse than bas-who are non-Qunari foreigners. They are called "Vashoth", which means "grey ones" likewise those who abandon the Qun willingly are known as " Tal-Vashoth", "true grey ones". Members of the aforementioned race born outside of the Qun are not considered to be Qunari within their own society.

Humans of Rivain and elven slaves of Tevinter are especially susceptible to conversion, although it is not unknown for members of other groups to embrace the Qun.

Members of any race who adhere to the teachings of the Qun can become "Qunari", but those other than the original giant race, that is humans, elves, and dwarves, are called Viddathari within the Qun.

The Qunari (literally, " People of the Qun") is the umbrella term most commonly used to describe the white-haired, metallic-skinned race of large humanoids and their society that governs the islands of Par Vollen and Seheron, as well as the settlement of Kont-aar in northern Rivain, and Qundalon in the Anderfels.